Cornwall Aviation (1979)
Contact person regarding Accessibility Plan
David Small
Executive Summary
Cornwall Aviation (1979) Ltd.’s (the Company) Accessibility Policy was reviewed to improve support and services for staff and customers.
Areas to be improved have been identified, including alternate written communications and improved workstation lighting. Should a staff member or customer have a disability requiring accommodation, the Company would appreciate the opportunity to discuss possible solutions.
Accessibility Statement – Accessible Canada Act
Cornwall Aviation (1979) Ltd. will strive to foster an atmosphere of inclusivity for staff and customers to respect the dignity of persons with disabilities.
Due to the nature of the company’s Flight Training operation, and constraints posed by the Canadian Aviation Regulations and Transport Canada (ie: Medical requirements for licences and ratings), and the nature of the building and environment, not all persons with disabilities can be accommodated within the barriers posed.
The long-term goals of the Company include the consideration of accessibility when considering major building renovations and annually revisiting policies to improve inclusion and accommodation within the staff.
Cornwall Aviation (1979) Ltd. is committed to cultivating an environment for staff members that is inclusive.
During consultations with persons with restrictions, concepts were brought forth such as large print and improved lighting to conduct their work tasks efficiently.
Action – Staff are encouraged to bring forth recommendations to the Company should they need assistance to complete their tasks. The Company will endeavor to work with staff members who require accommodation to assist them in the successful completion of their work.
Built Environment
Customers entering the reception area may request assistance from the reception staff and may also call ahead at (613) 931-3311 during normal business hours to discuss specific requirements.
Action – Posting office phone number outside the office to assist with accommodation requests.
Procurement and purchasing of items shall be considered for barriers to accessibility where appropriate.
Action – When applicable, the Company will consider accessibility and potential barriers when researching goods and services for purchase.
Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
When appropriate, the Company may provide customer training file summaries and program information in formats such as large print.
The Company will strive through reasonable effort to provide access and services if practical. However, as previously noted, some accommodation may not be possible.
Action – Large print with increased font size for program information and training summaries provided in 10 business days. Office staff to be trained to produce the documents.
Not Applicable – we do not provide transportation to or from our location.